It’s only natural to be concerned about possible contaminants in our environment and how they may impact the growth and development of children. Kids can be more susceptible to toxins because they eat more, drink more, breathe more for their size, have immature physiological systems, and because they put lots of things in their mouths! Some studies show exposure to toxins can reduce a child’s IQ, and cause disruption in hormonal balance, affecting development and fertility. So what can we do to protect our children and ourselves?
General Tips:
- Reduce canned and processed foods: BPA is still found in the lining of canned goods. Fresh and frozen are great, organic if possible
- If you eat fish and seafood, enjoy sources lower in mercury and other toxins (wild salmon, cod, haddock, anchovies, sardines, sole, shrimp, scallops)
- Avoid pesticides in or around your home
- Only use natural cleaners in your home
- Avoid personal care products that list “fragrance” or “parfum” on the label (Canada does not require listing of phthalates, so the only way to avoid them is by not buying products with fragrance)
- Get proactive – we will all be safer if we improve regulations and safety standards
- Dust floors and surfaces where breakdown products of chemicals end up, and avoid wearing shoes inside the house, which brings the outside in
- Don’t forget, STRESS IS TOXIC, TOO! It can all seem very imposing, but small basic changes can make a big difference
Top 5 TIPS:
- Bust that dust
- Go green when you clean
- Renovate right
- Get drastic with plastic
- Dish safer fish
For more helpful tips or to talk more about healthy kids, book with our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Clare Craig
Other useful links:
Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE) https://healthyenvironmentforkids.ca
Skin Deep database for personal care products https://ewg.org/skindeep/
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